Study Finds Over 1 in 8 Women Report Mistreatment During Childbirth; Women Share Their Stories

Study Finds Over 1 in 8 Women Report Mistreatment During Childbirth; Women Share Their Stories
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Jai Mitchell had planned to have a home birth. “My sister had a really bad hospital experience,” Mitchell, who lives in New York City, tells Yahoo Life. “Knowing the statistics and the things that happen when it comes to births, and Black women specifically, in the hospital, I just didn’t feel safe. I thought that I would be safer if I did a home birth.”

Jai Mitchell's Home Birth Experience

A Home Birth Plan Derailed

While in labor, Jai Mitchell's home birth plan took an unexpected turn as she experienced distress. Her doula made the decision to transfer her to the hospital. However, upon arrival, Mitchell felt mistreated and faced delays in receiving care.

Key Takeaways

Mistreatment during childbirth is a significant issue, particularly affecting Black women and other marginalized groups. Studies indicate that a significant number of new moms report being ignored, shouted at, or scolded by their healthcare providers during delivery.

Impacts of Mistreatment

Mistreatment during pregnancy and childbirth can have lasting effects on individuals. For Jai Mitchell, her traumatic experience in the hospital has left a lasting impact, despite the safe delivery of her daughter.

Consider the Context

Improving maternal healthcare requires addressing systemic issues such as mistreatment, particularly for marginalized communities. Advocacy for respectful and patient-centered care is crucial in ensuring positive birth experiences for all.