Opponent of Orban Seeks to Build Support with Protest in Budapest

Opponent of Orban Seeks to Build Support with Protest in Budapest

A rising star in Hungary’s opposition is set to lead the second mass protest in as many weeks in an effort to build grassroots support for a long-shot bid to challenge Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s rule.

Rising Star in Hungarian Opposition

Background and Political Impact

Peter Magyar burst onto the scene after the resignation of two key Orban allies, including Magyar’s ex-wife, former Justice Minister Judit Varga, in February. The domestic fallout between the couple played out daily on social media, bringing wider allegations of corruption into focus and helping Magyar to capture public attention in the eastern European country.

Key Takeaways

Thousands are expected to join a protest outside the Hungarian parliament in central Budapest on Saturday organized by Magyar, a 43-year-old lawyer and former diplomat-turned-whistleblower. Despite not formally joining a political party, Magyar plans to use the rally to detail his plans for challenging Orban’s party in upcoming elections.

Corruption Allegations and Political Strategy

Magyar's release of a tape concerning a high-profile corruption case put Orban’s cabinet temporarily on the defensive. Under Orban, Hungary has plummeted to last place among European Union member states in Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index.

Orban’s officials have said Magyar, as a former executive of a state company, was a beneficiary of that system. He also held board seats in several other companies with state ownership until resigning to launch his political career.