Former Wisconsin College Chancellor Fired Over Porn Career Fights to Retain Faculty Position

Former Wisconsin College Chancellor Fired Over Porn Career Fights to Retain Faculty Position

The University of Wisconsin-La Crosse's interim Chancellor Betsy Morgan has initiated steps to remove former chancellor Joe Gow from his tenured communications professor position over his involvement in a pornographic career that led to his earlier dismissal as chancellor.

University Takes Action Against Former Chancellor

Gow revealed that Morgan filed three charges against him, including unethical conduct, failure to cooperate with an investigation, and using university computers for producing pornographic materials.

Key Takeaways

- The charges stem from Gow's involvement in writing two pornographic e-books and his refusal to speak to an outside law firm investigating the matter without an attorney.

Legal Process and Response

Gow has requested a hearing before a faculty committee, as permitted under state law, to determine whether he can retain his tenured position. He contends that he and his wife produced the materials on their own time and that his free speech rights were violated when he was fired from his chancellor position.