Dan Rather Vehemently Denounces Trump as President for One Simple Reason

Dan Rather Vehemently Denounces Trump as President for One Simple Reason

Former CBS newscaster Dan Rather explained why he so strictly opposes the idea of Donald Trump once again becoming President of the United States.

Dan Rather's Opposition to Trump

Reasons for Opposition

The journalist, who covered important historical events like the Civil Rights Movement, the Vietnam War, the Watergate scandal and many more during his four decades at the network, made it clear that the reason is not political.

Key Takeaways

“A few people have asked why I vehemently oppose Trump,” Rather wrote on X (formerly Twitter) on Wednesday. “Let me make this perfectly clear. It’s not about politics. I’ve voted for both parties.”

Public Criticism of Trump

Among the many public criticisms against Trump is his recent decision to sell Bibles for $60, especially around Easter.

Consider the Context

Rev. Al Sharpton called into question any minister or preacher who might have used a Trump Bible to give sermons on Easter Sunday or throughout the holiday weekend.