The Pirate Queen Interview: Singer Studios and Lucy Liu Revive Forgotten History

The Pirate Queen Interview: Singer Studios and Lucy Liu Revive Forgotten History

Exploring the Story of Cheng Shih Through The Pirate Queen VR Game

As someone who grew up enamored with Chinese historical figures and period TV series, I was surprised to discover a VR game called The Pirate Queen, based on the life of Cheng Shih, a forgotten female leader in the South China Sea. Despite my familiarity with Chinese history in entertainment, Cheng Shih's story had eluded me until now.

The Pirate Queen Game and Its Development

Released on the Meta Quest store and Steam on March 7th, The Pirate Queen immerses players in the life of Cheng Shih, voiced by Lucy Liu, who also executive produced the game. The UK-based Singer Studios, led by CEO Eloise Singer, developed the game and plans to expand it into a franchise including a film, podcast, and graphic novels.

Cheng Shih's Life and Legacy

Born Shi Yang, Cheng Shih became known as Cheng Yi Sao after marrying the pirate Cheng Yi. Together, they led the Guangdong Pirate Confederation in the 1800s. Following her husband's death, Cheng Shih took control and became known as history's greatest pirate.

Discovering Cheng Shih's Story

Singer Studios learned about Cheng Shih through word of mouth and decided to develop a film about her in 2018. The pandemic prompted them to adapt the project into a game, which later received funding from Meta. The game's full version debuted at the Tribeca Film Festival 2023.

Cultural and Historical Accuracy

Liu and Singer emphasized the importance of accuracy in depicting Cheng Shih's life. They hired a dialect coach to ensure the proper pronunciation of Cantonese words used in the game and created women's hands from scratch for a realistic VR experience.

Immersion in The Pirate Queen

Playing The Pirate Queen on Meta Quest 3 allowed for a truly immersive experience, with players navigating through maritime environments, rowing boats, and exploring Cheng Shih's cabin. The game's mechanics, while initially clunky, become intuitive with practice.

Education and Empathy in VR

By avoiding traditional combat elements and focusing on immersive storytelling, The Pirate Queen provides a unique educational experience. Liu noted that playing as a historical character in VR allows players to live that person's life and moment in time.

Future of The Pirate Queen Franchise

While currently exclusive to Quest devices, Singer Studios plans to expand The Pirate Queen to other headsets. They also intend to extend the franchise beyond VR into graphic novels, films, and television series.