Is it okay to stand in front of a running microwave? Here are the opinions of specialists

Is it okay to stand in front of a running microwave? Here are the opinions of specialists.

You may have heard someone say that you shouldn’t stand in front of a microwave, lest you be hit with a wave of radiation. You may also have stood in front of your microwave anyway, in anticipation of a hot Trader Joe’s meal, heated-up leftovers or your favorite buttered popcorn in a bag. If you’re concerned at all about the safety of your microwave, read on to see what experts have to say about it. (And remember: That frozen dinner isn’t going to heat up faster just because you’re watching. Even if you’re really, really hungry.)

The Science Behind Microwaves

Microwaves get a bad rap partially because, unlike a stove or an oven, people believe them to work in mysterious ways. But microwaves aren’t magic — just science. Microwave ovens operate by emitting electromagnetic waves, particularly microwaves, which interact with water molecules in the food. These microwaves cause the water molecules to oscillate rapidly, generating heat through molecular friction.

Microwaves and Radiation

Technically, microwaves do emit “electromagnetic radiation,” but according to Dr. Arya Amini, this radiation “remains confined to the microwave.” All microwaves are built to seal these waves and automatically shut off when the door is opened, preventing exposure. Plus, unlike ionized radiation, electromagnetic waves are non-ionizing and therefore do not cause radioactivity in food or people exposed to the waves.

Regulation and Safety Standards

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has regulated microwave ovens since 1971. The agency says that ovens that meet the FDA standard and are used according to the manufacturer's instructions are safe for use.

Similarity to Wi-Fi Routers

Christopher S. Baird, an associate professor of physics, points out that the microwaves emitted by a traditional household Wi-Fi router antenna are almost “identical in frequency to the microwaves generated in a microwave oven.”

Potential Risks and Precautions

The only time standing in front of a microwave may cause you harm, according to Amini, is if the microwave oven is damaged. Currently, he notes, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website and FDA advise against standing in front of or against the microwave while it is on to prevent potential exposure, just in case there happens to be a leak or damage to the device you aren’t aware of.

Preventing Burns and Other Hazards

Baird says that burns are the biggest risk of owning a microwave, and it’s a risk that you take with any kind of device that heats up food. Handling your food with care as you remove it from the microwave and using potholders or other objects to protect yourself from a plate that’s too hot can help you avoid any harm.

Choosing Safe Materials

If you’ve ever forgotten to take a metal fork out of your dish before putting it in the microwave to reheat, you know that you should only use microwave-safe material in your microwave oven in order to avoid any unwanted sparking. Metal is a no-go, and containers made of glass, ceramics and plastics typically come with a label indicating whether they are safe for microwave ovens.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, there’s no real reason to fear your microwave. “People tend to fear the unknown,” says Baird. “However, the mundane truth is that a microwave oven is no more dangerous than other types of ovens — not even a little bit.”