Bolton Criticizes Trump's Ability to Be a Dictator

Bolton Criticizes Trump's Ability to Be a Dictator

John Bolton: Trump "Doesn't Have the Brains" to be a Dictator

In a recent interview, former National Security Advisor John Bolton commented on his former boss, former President Trump, stating that Trump "doesn't have the brains" to be a dictator, amid questions about what a potential second Trump term would entail.

When asked by conservative French outlet Le Figaro if Trump exhibited dictatorial tendencies, Bolton replied, "He hasn't got the brains! He's a property developer for God's sake!"

Trump, who is currently the only remaining contender for the GOP presidential nomination, recently met with Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán at his Mar-a-Lago estate. This meeting is seen as part of Trump's pattern of embracing autocratic leaders who challenge democratic norms.

Trump has also praised several foreign leaders of nations considered adversaries by the U.S., including North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Regarding Trump's potential actions if reelected, Bolton expressed concern, stating, "it is very likely that Trump will leave NATO if he is reelected."

Throughout his presidency, Trump has criticized NATO members for not meeting the organization's spending targets and has threatened to withdraw from NATO. Bolton emphasized that Trump tends to return to certain ideas repeatedly, indicating that leaving NATO could be a genuine possibility.

While some view Trump's threats to leave NATO as a negotiating tactic, Bolton believes otherwise. He stated, "A lot of people think it's just a negotiating tool, but I don't think so."